Banknote Index


Country Austria
Authority Eferding O.Ö. Stadtgemeinde
Currency Heller
Denomination 25
Issue Start Date 24/11/1919
Issue End Date Announced
Set/Series Name Eferding O.Ö. Stadtgemeinde 1.3
Number of Items in Set 29
Item Set Number 10x
Set Details 23x25h
Type Notgeld
Material Paper
Width in mm 116
Height in mm 73
Comments Not listed: With geletzlich instead of gesetzlich brown back no letter G spaces in town.

2 variaitons of text:
A) "Die Stadtgemeinde Eferding"
B) "DieStadtgemeindeEferding"

Rare variations with Letters M, Q, T, V, W at bottom left or number at bottom right.

a) Underprint blue/violett, print Green and Red, Bottom Left with G, wide margin
b) Same as a) Error: geletzlich instead of gesetzlich
c) Underprint blue/violett, print Grey and Red, Bottom Left without G, wide margin
d) Same as c) Error: geletzlich instead of gesetzlich
e) Underprint blue/violett, print Green and Red, narrow margin
f) Same as e) Error: geletzlich instead of gesetzlich
g) Underprint blue/violett, print Brown and Red, wide margin
h) Underprint blue/violett, print Brown and Red, narrow margin
i) Underprint blue/Grey, print Black and Red, narrow margin
j) Underprint blue/Green, print Black and Red, narrow margin
k) Underprint dark pink, Denomination numeral in green.
l) Underprint dark pink, Denomination numeral in Red.
m) Underprint yellow brown, Denomination numeral in Red.
n) Underprint grey brown, Denomination numeral in Red.
o) Underprint bile green, Denomination numeral in Red.
p) Underprint light green, Denomination numeral in Red.
q) Underprint olive, Denomination numeral in Red.
Source Kyle Mathers
BNI Banknote Id 66888

Catalog & Valuation Details

SourceCatalog # / ReferenceValueDate of ValueComments
Katalog Des Österreichischen Notgeldes 1916-1921 FS 152I.3ahAx    
Austria, 25 Heller, FS 152I.3ahAx
