Banknote Index



Franc (1922)

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Kerguelen Islands  500 Franc  TNID: 15-01-2011    Kerguelen Islands, 500 Franc, Kerguelen Islands, 500 Franc, Show Full Details
Kerguelen Islands 500 Franc
Luxembourg  100 Franc  ID: 1956-1956  P-0013ct  Luxembourg, 100 Franc, P-0013ctLuxembourg, 100 Franc, P-0013ct Show Full Details
Luxembourg 100 Franc
Luxembourg  100 Franc  ID: 1981-1981
TNID: 08/03/1981 
P-0014A  Luxembourg, 100 Franc, P-0014ALuxembourg, 100 Franc, P-0014A Show Full Details
Luxembourg 100 Franc
Luxembourg  100 Franc  ID: 1968-1968
TNID: 01/05/1968 
P-0014a  Luxembourg, 100 Franc, P-0014aLuxembourg, 100 Franc, P-0014a Show Full Details
Luxembourg 100 Franc
Luxembourg  1 Franc  ID: (1919)
TNID: (1919) 
P-0027  Luxembourg, 1 Franc, P-0027Luxembourg, 1 Franc, P-0027 Show Full Details
Luxembourg 1 Franc
Luxembourg  1 Franc  ID: 11/12/1918
TNID: No Date (04/01/1919) 
Luxembourg, 1 Franc, P-0028,B309aLuxembourg, 1 Franc, P-0028,B309a Show Full Details
Luxembourg 1 Franc
Luxembourg  5 Franc  ID: 11/12/1918
TNID: No Date (04/01/1919) 
Luxembourg, 5 Franc, P-0029a,B309aLuxembourg, 5 Franc, P-0029a,B309a Show Full Details
Luxembourg 5 Franc
Luxembourg  5 Franc  ID: 1914-1918  P-0029b  Luxembourg, 5 Franc, P-0029bLuxembourg, 5 Franc, P-0029b Show Full Details
Luxembourg 5 Franc
Luxembourg  10 Franc  ID: 1914-1918  P-0030  Luxembourg, 10 Franc, P-0030Luxembourg, 10 Franc, P-0030 Show Full Details
Luxembourg 10 Franc
Luxembourg  25 Franc  ID: 1914-1918  P-0031b  Luxembourg, 25 Franc, P-0031bLuxembourg, 25 Franc, P-0031b Show Full Details
Luxembourg 25 Franc

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