Banknote Index


Country India
Authority Reserve Bank of India
Currency Rupee
Denomination 10
Issue Start Date 1996
Issue End Date 2002
This Notes Issue Date 1996
Set/Series Name India, Republic, RBI 1996-2002 Issues
Number of Items in Set 57
Set Details 6x5Rupee, 17x10Rupee, 6x20Rupee, 11x50Rupee, 13x100Rupee, 4x500Rupee
Type Normal
Material Paper
Security Features Solid security threat with microprinting.
Watermark: Mahatma Gandhi.
Description Front Mahatma Gandhi
Description Back Rhinoceros, elephant, and tiger
Comments Without letter
Source Erwin van den Buys
BNI Banknote Id 61746

Catalog & Valuation Details

SourceCatalog # / ReferenceValueDate of ValueComments
19th Ed SCWPM Modern Issues P-0089d    
India, 10 Rupee, P89d
