Banknote Index



Erwin van den Buys

Is the source of the images for 5203 banknotes View all submissions

Is an administrator and has approved 7697 changes

Erwin is from Belgium and collects all kinds of world paper money.

Contact Erwin van den Buys

erwinvandenbuys at hotmail dot com

Submissions by country for Erwin van den Buys

Country # of submissions
Afghanistan 43
Albania 12
Algeria 15
Angola 21
Arctic Territories 5
Argentina 58
Armenia 16
Aruba 3
Australia 15
Austria 68
Azerbaijan 12
Bahamas 7
Bahrain 6
Bangladesh 9
Barbados 13
Belarus 19
Belgian Congo 2
Belgium 24
Belize 25
Beringia B.C. 2
Bermuda 6
Biafra 1
Bohemia and Moravia 14
Bolivia 51
Bosnia and Herzegovina 81
Botswana 9
Brazil 65
British Guiana 1
Brunei 3
Bulgaria 15
Burma 3
Burundi 33
Cambodia 30
Cameroon 3
Canada 34
Cape Verde 3
Cayman Islands 9
Central African Republic 1
Central African States 21
Ceylon 22
Chad 2
Chatham Islands 10
Chile 32
China 140
China, Peoples Republic 33
Colombia 55
Comoros 2
Confederate States of America 7
Congo Democratic Republic 13
Congo Republic 4
Costa Rica 12
Croatia 27
Cuba 48
Cyprus 18
Czech Republic 3
Czechoslovakia 82
Denmark 58
Djibouti 3
Dominican Republic 53
East Africa 5
East Caribbean States 21
East Caribbean States - Antigua and Barbuda 1
Easter Island 3
Ecuador 16
Egypt 29
El Salvador 6
Equatorial Guinea 2
Estonia 15
Ethiopia 21
European Union 15
Faeroe Islands 4
Falkland Islands 1
Fiji Islands 21
Finland 18
France 69
French Equatorial Africa 3
French Indochina 21
French Pacific Territories 1
French Somaliland 4
French West Africa 3
Friesland 1
Gabon 1
Galapagos Islands 7
Gambia 11
Georgia 7
German East Africa 2
German States 32
Germany 102
Germany - Democratic Republic 12
Germany - Federal Republic 10
Ghana 20
Gibraltar 5
Great Britain 32
Greece 26
Guadeloupe 1
Guatemala 18
Guernsey 7
Guinea 4
Guinea-Bissau 3
Guyana 13
Haiti 12
Hawaii 1
Honduras 21
Hong Kong 32
Hungary 61
Iceland 14
India 83
Indian Princely States 1
Indonesia 56
Iran 106
Iranian Azerbaijan 1
Iraq 9
Ireland, Northern 21
Ireland, Republic 8
Isle Of Man 8
Israel 23
Italian East Africa 1
Italian States 7
Italy 65
Jamaica 36
Japan 16
Jason Islands, New 3
Jersey 3
Jordan 10
Kamberra 9
Katanga 2
Kazakhstan 1
Kenya 40
Kerguelen Islands 6
Korea 39
Korea, North 12
Korea, South 43
Kuwait 12
Laos 3
Latvia 14
Lebanon 16
Lesotho 3
Liberia 7
Libya 11
Lithuania 12
Luxembourg 8
Macau 12
Macedonia 9
Madagascar 23
Malawi 21
Malaya 3
Malaya and British Borneo 1
Malaysia 22
Mali 2
Malta 14
Manchukuo 5
Mauritania 12
Mauritius 11
Memel 1
Mexico 82
Moldova 6
Montenegro 40
Morocco 16
Mozambique 23
Myanmar 2
Namibia 1
Nepal 4
Netherlands 37
Netherlands Antilles 10
Netherlands Indies 16
New Caledonia 6
New Hebrides 2
New Zealand 20
Nicaragua 20
Nigeria 50
Norway 13
Oman 6
Pakistan 6
Papua New Guinea 17
Paraguay 22
Peru 69
Philippines 270
Poland 61
Portugal 51
Portuguese Guinea 1
Portuguese India 2
Qatar 11
Qatar and Dubai 3
Reunion 2
Rhodesia 11
Romania 21
Russia 165
Rwanda 6
Samoa 12
San Marino 1
São Tomé and Príncipe (Saint Thomas and Prince) 4
Saudi Arabia 19
Scotland 72
Serbia 5
Seychelles 7
Sierra Leone 17
Singapore 4
Slovakia 18
Slovenia 6
Somalia 8
Somaliland 8
South Africa 28
Spain 44
Sri Lanka 36
Straits Settlements 1
Sudan 41
Suriname 16
Swaziland 4
Sweden 51
Switzerland 4
Syria 13
Tahiti 4
Taiwan 8
Tajikistan 2
Tannu Tuva 4
Tanzania 11
Tatarstan 1
Thailand 15
Tibet 1
Timor 1
Tonga 9
Transnistria 20
Trinidad and Tobago 11
Tunisia 7
Turkey 21
Uganda 9
Ukraine 38
United Arab Emirates 9
United States 2
United States, The 147
Uruguay 70
Uzbekistan 1
Vanuatu 1
Venezuela 34
Vietnam 37
Vietnam, South 10
West African States 100
Yemen, Arab Republic 3
Yemen, Democratic Republic 1
Yugoslavia 63
Zaire 42
Zambia 19
Zimbabwe 64

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