Submissions by country for Ron Wise Country # of submissions Afghanistan 1 Albania 1 Algeria 13 Angola 9 Antarctica 5 Argentina 56 Armenia 1 Aruba 1 Australia 10 Azerbaijan 1 Bahamas 6 Bahrain 1 Bangladesh 1 Barbados 7 Belarus 4 Belgium 28 Belize 5 Bermuda 4 Bohemia and Moravia 9 Bolivia 26 Bosnia and Herzegovina 38 Botswana 5 Brazil 32 British West Africa 1 Brunei 2 Bulgaria 7 Burma 1 Burundi 9 Cameroon 2 Canada 6 Cape Verde 2 Cayman Islands 5 Central African Republic 2 Central African States 2 Ceylon 10 Chad 2 Chile 28 China 10 China, Peoples Republic 21 Colombia 30 Comoros 3 Confederate States of America 8 Congo Democratic Republic 6 Congo Republic 1 Cook Islands, The 1 Costa Rica 22 Croatia 24 Cuba 22 Cyprus 9 Czech Republic 4 Denmark 14 Djibouti 2 Dominican Republic 31 East Caribbean States 4 Ecuador 33 Egypt 83 El Salvador 12 Equatorial African States 1 Equatorial Guinea 1 Estonia 1 Ethiopia 5 European Union 13 Faeroe Islands 4 Falkland Islands 1 Fantasy 55 Fiji Islands 11 Finland 20 France 71 French Antilles 2 French Equatorial Africa 1 French Indochina 10 French Pacific Territories 3 French Somaliland 2 French West Africa 5 Gabon 2 Gambia 7 Georgia 6 German East Africa 5 German States 10 Germany 65 Germany - Democratic Republic 11 Germany - Federal Republic 10 Ghana 17 Gibraltar 3 Greece 35 Greenland 3 Guatemala 25 Guernsey 6 Guinea 5 Guinea-Bissau 4 Guyana 8 Haiti 29 Hawaii 1 Honduras 12 Hong Kong 20 Hungary 31 Iceland 11 India 11 Indonesia 8 Iran 11 Iraq 3 Ireland, Northern 11 Ireland, Republic 15 Israel 8 Italian East Africa 2 Italian States 1 Italy 33 Jamaica 24 Japan 46 Jason Islands 5 Jordan 3 Katanga 2 Kazakhstan 2 Kenya 18 Kingdom of Landreth 2 Korea, North 4 Korea, South 22 Kuwait 9 Laos 1 Latvia 7 Lebanon 9 Lesotho 6 Liberia 4 Libya 3 Lithuania 12 Luxembourg 11 Macau 8 Macedonia 2 Madagascar 3 Malawi 12 Malaya 3 Malaya and British Borneo 2 Maldives, The 1 Mali 2 Malta 10 Martinique 2 Mauritania 3 Mauritius 4 Memel 4 Mexico 109 Moldova 3 Mongolia 2 Montenegro 1 Morocco 22 Mozambique 5 Nagorno Karabakh 1 Namibia 1 Nepal 1 Netherlands Antilles 3 Netherlands Indies 15 New Caledonia 9 New Hebrides 2 New Zealand 13 Newfoundland 6 Nicaragua 18 Nigeria 5 Norway 11 Oceania 3 Oman 1 Pakistan 10 Palestine 11 Panama 1 Papua New Guinea 5 Paraguay 14 Peru 24 Philippines 64 Poland 32 Portugal 25 Portuguese Guinea 1 Portuguese India 1 Puerto Rico 1 Rhodesia 3 Romania 27 Rwanda 3 Saint Helena 2 Saint Pierre and Miquelon 1 Samoa 3 São Tomé and Príncipe (Saint Thomas and Prince) 2 Saudi Arabia 2 Scotland 5 Serbia 1 Sierra Leone 9 Singapore 7 Slovakia 26 Slovenia 11 Solomon Islands 2 Somalia 5 Somaliland 7 South Africa 6 Spain 10 Sri Lanka 1 Straits Settlements 2 Sudan 4 Suriname 14 Swaziland 2 Sweden 12 Switzerland 1 Syria 4 Tahiti 5 Taiwan 23 Tajikistan 1 Tanzania 9 Tatarstan 4 Thailand 11 Tibet 3 Timor 8 Tonga 8 Transnistria 5 Trinidad and Tobago 7 Tunisia 6 Uganda 20 Ukraine 9 United Arab Emirates 1 United States 2 United States, The 7 Uruguay 19 Uzbekistan 6 Vanuatu 6 Venezuela 15 Vietnam 4 Vietnam, South 3 Wales 5 West African States 40 Western Samoa 3 Yemen, Arab Republic 3 Yemen, Democratic Republic 1 Zaire 12 Zambia 4 Zimbabwe 4 Please help by adding more banknotes to this site.