Banknote Index



Bill Vesty

Is the source of the images for 1975 banknotes View all submissions

Is an administrator and has approved 3133 changes

Bill is a collector of British Commonwealth banknotes

Submissions by country for Bill Vesty

Country # of submissions
Algeria 5
Andorra 5
Angola 1
Aruba 2
Australia 24
Azores 3
Bahamas 47
Bahrain 3
Barbados 5
Belgian Congo 34
Belize 7
Bermuda 24
Bolivia 22
Brazil 28
British Caribbean Territories 7
British Guiana 20
British Honduras 85
British North Borneo 4
British West Africa 3
Burma 17
Burundi 2
Cameroon 2
Canada 36
Cayman Islands 1
Ceylon 25
Comoros 4
Costa Rica 7
Cuba 22
Curaçao 51
Cyprus 39
Danish West Indies 2
East Africa 44
East Caribbean States 2
Egypt 87
El Salvador 1
Equatorial Guinea 5
Ethiopia 2
Falkland Islands 10
Fiji Islands 67
Finland 2
France 1
France-Vichy 5
French Antilles 9
French West Africa 1
Gibraltar 10
Gold Coast 1
Great Britain 206
Greece 12
Greenland 3
Grenada 2
Guadeloupe 11
Guatemala 5
Guernsey 6
Guinea 3
Honduras 4
Hong Kong 27
Iceland 4
India 103
Iran 50
Iraq 32
Ireland, Republic 2
Isle Of Man 30
Israel 12
Italian East Africa 4
Italian Somaliland 6
Italy 9
Ivory Coast 2
Jamaica 41
Japan 4
Jersey 5
Katanga 14
Keeling and Cocos Islands 6
Korea 1
Kuwait 12
Lebanon 6
Leeward Islands 3
Lesotho 3
Lithuania 21
Luxembourg 10
Madagascar 5
Malawi 3
Malaya 24
Malaya and British Borneo 4
Malta 6
Martinique 7
Mauritania 2
Mauritius 4
Memel 1
Monaco 1
Mongolia 3
Morocco 5
Mozambique 7
Netherlands 21
Netherlands Antilles 6
Netherlands Indies 57
Netherlands New Guinea 12
New Caledonia 7
New Hebrides 8
New Zealand 75
Newfoundland 1
Norway 7
Pakistan 6
Palestine 21
Peru 11
Portugal 16
Reunion 6
Rhodesia 4
Rhodesia and Nyasaland 7
Rwanda - Burundi 11
Saar 8
Saint Lucia 2
Saint Pierre and Miquelon 5
Saint Vincent 1
São Tomé and Príncipe (Saint Thomas and Prince) 5
Sarawak 5
Saudi Arabia 3
Senegal 4
Seychelles 20
Singapore 5
Solomon Islands 1
South Africa 2
Southern Rhodesia 2
Southwest Africa 14
Spain 17
Suriname 16
Switzerland 2
Tahiti 3
Tangier 3
Tannu Tuva 1
Timor 1
Tonga 8
Trinidad and Tobago 20
Uruguay 8
Western Samoa 6
Zambia 15
Zanzibar 6
Zimbabwe 1

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