Banknote Index



The Banknote Book (1497)

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Ireland, Republic  20 Pound  ID: 1961-1977
TNID: 01/04/1970 
P-0067b  Ireland, Republic, 20 Pound, P-0067bIreland, Republic, 20 Pound, P-0067b Show Full Details
Ireland, Republic 20 Pound
Ireland, Republic  1 Pound  ID: 1976-1993
TNID: 15/06/1979 
P-0070b  Ireland, Republic, 1 Pound, P-0070bIreland, Republic, 1 Pound, P-0070b Show Full Details
Ireland, Republic 1 Pound
Isle Of Man  1 Pound  ID: 1928
TNID: 1929 
P-0018ct  Isle Of Man, 1 Pound, P-0018ctIsle Of Man, 1 Pound, P-0018ct Show Full Details
Isle Of Man 1 Pound
Isle Of Man  1 Pound  ID: 1955-1961
TNID: 24/10/1958 
P-0023Ab  Isle Of Man, 1 Pound, P-0023AbIsle Of Man, 1 Pound, P-0023Ab Show Full Details
Isle Of Man 1 Pound
Isle Of Man  1 Pound  ID: 1929-1955
TNID: 1929 
P-0023ct  Isle Of Man, 1 Pound, P-0023ctIsle Of Man, 1 Pound, P-0023ct Show Full Details
Isle Of Man 1 Pound
Isle of Man  50 New Pence  ID: 1972  P-0028a  Isle of Man, 50 New Pence, P-0028aIsle of Man, 50 New Pence, P-0028a Show Full Details
Isle of Man 50 New Pence
Isle of Man  50 New Pence  ID: 1972  P-0028b  Isle of Man, 50 New Pence, P-0028bIsle of Man, 50 New Pence, P-0028b Show Full Details
Isle of Man 50 New Pence
Isle Of Man  20 Pound  ID: 1979  P-0037a  Isle Of Man, 20 Pound, P-0037aIsle Of Man, 20 Pound, P-0037a Show Full Details
Isle Of Man 20 Pound
Isles of France and of Bourbon  5 Livre  ID: 1788-1788
TNID: 10/06/1788 
P-0012  Isles of France and of Bourbon, 5 Livre, P-0012 Show Full Details
Isles of France and of Bourbon 5 Livre
Italian States  200 Lira  ID: 1799-1799
TNID: 01/09/1799 
S-0133  Italian States, 200 Lira, S-0133Italian States, 200 Lira, S-0133 Show Full Details
Italian States 200 Lira

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