Banknote Index



The Banknote Book (1497)

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Ethiopia  100 Birr  ID: 1976-1987  P-0040  Ethiopia, 100 Birr, P-0040Ethiopia, 100 Birr, P-0040 Show Full Details
Ethiopia 100 Birr
Ethiopia  1 Birr  ID: 1997-2008
TNID: 1997 
P-0046a  Ethiopia, 1 Birr, P-0046aEthiopia, 1 Birr, P-0046a Show Full Details
Ethiopia 1 Birr
Ethiopia  1 Birr  ID: 15/12/1969
TNID: 15/12/1969 
  Ethiopia, 1 Birr, Ethiopia, 1 Birr, Show Full Details
Ethiopia 1 Birr
Ethiopia  50 Cent  ID: 1945
TNID: 1945 
  Ethiopia, 50 Cent, Ethiopia, 50 Cent, Show Full Details
Ethiopia 50 Cent
Ethiopia  50 Cent  ID: 1945
TNID: 1945 
  Ethiopia, 50 Cent, Ethiopia, 50 Cent, Show Full Details
Ethiopia 50 Cent
Ethiopia  1 Dollar  TNID: 1969    Ethiopia, 1 Dollar, Show Full Details
Ethiopia 1 Dollar
Faeroe Islands  1 Krone  ID: 1940-1940
TNID: 11/1940 
P-0009  Faeroe Islands, 1 Krone, P-0009Faeroe Islands, 1 Krone, P-0009 Show Full Details
Faeroe Islands 1 Krone
Faeroe Islands  100 Krone  ID: 1951-1963
TNID: 1952-1963 
P-0015b  Faeroe Islands, 100 Krone, P-0015bFaeroe Islands, 100 Krone, P-0015b Show Full Details
Faeroe Islands 100 Krone
Faeroe Islands  100 Krone  ID: 1964-1975
TNID: 1972 
P-0018r4  Faeroe Islands, 100 Krone, P-0018r4Faeroe Islands, 100 Krone, P-0018r4 Show Full Details
Faeroe Islands 100 Krone
Faeroe Islands  500 Krone  ID: 1978-1994
TNID: 1978 
P-0022a  Faeroe Islands, 500 Krone, P-0022aFaeroe Islands, 500 Krone, P-0022a Show Full Details
Faeroe Islands 500 Krone

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