Banknote Index



Paper (42156)

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Zaire  10 Zaire  ID: 1980  R-0004b v8  Zaire, 10 Zaire, R-0004b v8Zaire, 10 Zaire, R-0004b v8 Show Full Details
Zaire 10 Zaire
Zambia  1 Pound  ID: 1963-1963  A-0001  Zambia, 1 Pound, A-0001Zambia, 1 Pound, A-0001 Show Full Details
Zambia 1 Pound
Zambia  1 Pound  ID: 1963-1963  A-0001ct  Zambia, 1 Pound, A-0001ctZambia, 1 Pound, A-0001ct Show Full Details
Zambia 1 Pound
Zambia  10 Shilling  ID: 1964-1964  P-0001  Zambia, 10 Shilling, P-0001Zambia, 10 Shilling, P-0001 Show Full Details
Zambia 10 Shilling
Zambia  10 Shilling  ID: 1964-1964  P-0001s  Zambia, 10 Shilling, P-0001sZambia, 10 Shilling, P-0001s Show Full Details
Zambia 10 Shilling
Zambia  1 Pound  ID: 1964-1964  P-0002  Zambia, 1 Pound, P-0002Zambia, 1 Pound, P-0002 Show Full Details
Zambia 1 Pound
Zambia  5 Pound  ID: 1964-1964  P-0003  Zambia, 5 Pound, P-0003Zambia, 5 Pound, P-0003 Show Full Details
Zambia 5 Pound
Zambia  5 Pound  ID: 1964-1964  P-0003s  Zambia, 5 Pound, P-0003sZambia, 5 Pound, P-0003s Show Full Details
Zambia 5 Pound
Zambia  50 Ngwee  ID: 1968-1968
TNID: 1968 
P-0004a  Zambia, 50 Ngwee, P-0004aZambia, 50 Ngwee, P-0004a Show Full Details
Zambia 50 Ngwee
Zambia  1 Kwacha  ID: 1968-1968  P-0005  Zambia, 1 Kwacha, P-0005Zambia, 1 Kwacha, P-0005 Show Full Details
Zambia 1 Kwacha

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