Banknote Index



Paper (42156)

Refine Results

Expand Country Denomination Date Catalog #/Reference Image Front Image Back Show Full Details
United States, The  10 Dollar  ID: 1988-1988
TNID: 1988 
P-0482 B  United States, The, 10 Dollar, P-0482 BUnited States, The, 10 Dollar, P-0482 B Show Full Details
United States, The 10 Dollar
United States, The  20 Dollar  ID: 1988-1988
TNID: 1988 
P-0483  United States, The, 20 Dollar, P-0483United States, The, 20 Dollar, P-0483 Show Full Details
United States, The 20 Dollar
United States, The  10 Dollar  ID: 1990-1990
TNID: 1990 
P-0486 B  United States, The, 10 Dollar, P-0486 BUnited States, The, 10 Dollar, P-0486 B Show Full Details
United States, The 10 Dollar
United States, The  5 Dollar  ID: 1993-1993
TNID: 1993 
P-0491  United States, The, 5 Dollar, P-0491United States, The, 5 Dollar, P-0491 Show Full Details
United States, The 5 Dollar
United States, The  20 Dollar  ID: 1993-1993
TNID: 1993 
P-0493  United States, The, 20 Dollar, P-0493United States, The, 20 Dollar, P-0493 Show Full Details
United States, The 20 Dollar
United States, The  1 Dollar  ID: 1995-1995
TNID: 1995 
P-0496a  United States, The, 1 Dollar, P-0496aUnited States, The, 1 Dollar, P-0496a Show Full Details
United States, The 1 Dollar
United States, The  1 Dollar  ID: 1995-1995
TNID: 1995 
P-0496r  United States, The, 1 Dollar, P-0496rUnited States, The, 1 Dollar, P-0496r Show Full Details
United States, The 1 Dollar
United States, The  2 Dollar  ID: 1995-1995
TNID: 1995 
P-0497 F  United States, The, 2 Dollar, P-0497 FUnited States, The, 2 Dollar, P-0497 F Show Full Details
United States, The 2 Dollar
United States, The  5 Dollar  ID: 1995-1995
TNID: 1995 
P-0498  United States, The, 5 Dollar, P-0498United States, The, 5 Dollar, P-0498 Show Full Details
United States, The 5 Dollar
United States, The  10 Dollar  ID: 1995-1995
TNID: 1995 
P-0499  United States, The, 10 Dollar, P-0499United States, The, 10 Dollar, P-0499 Show Full Details
United States, The 10 Dollar

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