Banknote Index



Paper (42156)

Refine Results

Expand Country Denomination Date Catalog #/Reference Image Front Image Back Show Full Details
United States, The  2 Dollar  ID: 1917
TNID: 1917 
P-0188  United States, The, 2 Dollar, P-0188United States, The, 2 Dollar, P-0188 Show Full Details
United States, The 2 Dollar
United States, The  1 Dollar  ID: 1923
TNID: 1923 
P-0189  United States, The, 1 Dollar, P-0189United States, The, 1 Dollar, P-0189 Show Full Details
United States, The 1 Dollar
United States, The  1 Dollar  ID: 1899-1899
TNID: 1899 
P-0338b  United States, The, 1 Dollar, P-0338bUnited States, The, 1 Dollar, P-0338b Show Full Details
United States, The 1 Dollar
United States, The  1 Dollar  ID: 1899-1899
TNID: 1899 
P-0338c  United States, The, 1 Dollar, P-0338cUnited States, The, 1 Dollar, P-0338c Show Full Details
United States, The 1 Dollar
United States, The  1 Dollar  ID: 1899-1899
TNID: 1899 
P-0338cv5  United States, The, 1 Dollar, P-0338cv5United States, The, 1 Dollar, P-0338cv5 Show Full Details
United States, The 1 Dollar
United States, The  1 Dollar  ID: 1899-1899
TNID: 1899 
P-0338s v1  United States, The, 1 Dollar, P-0338s v1United States, The, 1 Dollar, P-0338s v1 Show Full Details
United States, The 1 Dollar
United States, The  1 Dollar  ID: 1899-1899
TNID: 1899 
P-0338s v2  United States, The, 1 Dollar, P-0338s v2United States, The, 1 Dollar, P-0338s v2 Show Full Details
United States, The 1 Dollar
United States, The  2 Dollar  ID: 1899-1899
TNID: 1899 
P-0339  United States, The, 2 Dollar, P-0339United States, The, 2 Dollar, P-0339 Show Full Details
United States, The 2 Dollar
United States, The  5 Dollar  ID: 1899-1899
TNID: 1899 
P-0340  United States, The, 5 Dollar, P-0340United States, The, 5 Dollar, P-0340 Show Full Details
United States, The 5 Dollar
United States, The  1 Dollar  ID: 1923-1923
TNID: 1923 
P-0342  United States, The, 1 Dollar, P-0342United States, The, 1 Dollar, P-0342 Show Full Details
United States, The 1 Dollar

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