Banknote Index



Franc (1922)

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Saint Pierre and Miquelon  20 Franc  ID: 1950-1960  P-0024  Saint Pierre and Miquelon, 20 Franc, P-0024Saint Pierre and Miquelon, 20 Franc, P-0024 Show Full Details
Saint Pierre and Miquelon 20 Franc
Saint Pierre and Miquelon  50 Franc  ID: 1950-1960  P-0025  Saint Pierre and Miquelon, 50 Franc, P-0025Saint Pierre and Miquelon, 50 Franc, P-0025 Show Full Details
Saint Pierre and Miquelon 50 Franc
Saint Pierre and Miquelon  100 Franc  ID: 1950-1960  P-0026  Saint Pierre and Miquelon, 100 Franc, P-0026Saint Pierre and Miquelon, 100 Franc, P-0026 Show Full Details
Saint Pierre and Miquelon 100 Franc
Senegal  5 Franc  ID: 1874-1874
TNID: 1874 
A-001  Senegal, 5 Franc, A-001Senegal, 5 Franc, A-001 Show Full Details
Senegal 5 Franc
Senegal  .5 Franc  ID: 1917-1917
TNID: 11/02/1917 
P-0001b  Senegal, .5 Franc, P-0001bSenegal, .5 Franc, P-0001b Show Full Details
Senegal .5 Franc
Senegal  .5 Franc  ID: 1917-1917
TNID: 11/02/1917 
P-0001c  Senegal, .5 Franc, P-0001cSenegal, .5 Franc, P-0001c Show Full Details
Senegal .5 Franc
Senegal  1 Franc  ID: 1917-1917
TNID: 11/02/1917 
P-0002b  Senegal, 1 Franc, P-0002bSenegal, 1 Franc, P-0002b Show Full Details
Senegal 1 Franc
Senegal  1 Franc  ID: 1917-1917
TNID: 11/02/1917 
P-0002c  Senegal, 1 Franc, P-0002cSenegal, 1 Franc, P-0002c Show Full Details
Senegal 1 Franc
Switzerland  50 Franc  ID: 1907
TNID: 01/02/1907 
P-0001  Switzerland, 50 Franc, P-0001Switzerland, 50 Franc, P-0001 Show Full Details
Switzerland 50 Franc
Switzerland  50 Franc  ID: 1907
TNID: 01/02/1907 
P-0001  Switzerland, 50 Franc, P-0001Switzerland, 50 Franc, P-0001 Show Full Details
Switzerland 50 Franc

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