Banknote Index


Country Germany
Authority Braunschweig Herzoglich Braunschweigische Sparkasse
Currency Mark
Denomination 150
Issue Start Date 01/11/1918
Set/Series Name Braunschweig Herzoglich Braunschweigische Sparkasse GG1
Number of Items in Set 13
Item Set Number 10.2
Set Details 2mk, 4mk, 6mk,10mk, 20mk, 30mk, 40mk, 50mk, 100mk, 150mk, 200mk, 300mk, 500mk.
With interest table printed on back.
Many versions at least 3 different stamps also without stamp. Signature versions, date versions, SN color, denomination color.
Catalog without values, notes seem to range in price from about 8 to 50 euro in 2017.
Type Grossgeld
Material Paper
Width in mm 160
Height in mm 101
Source Kyle Mathers
BNI Banknote Id 79025

Catalog & Valuation Details

SourceCatalog # / ReferenceValueDate of ValueComments
Deutsches Notgeld Band 3 058.10   UNC 
Germany, 150 Mark, 058.10
