Banknote Index


Country Norway - Spitsbergen
Authority Trust Arktikugol Russia
Currency Ruble
Denomination 100
Issue Start Date 1979
Set/Series Name Trust Arktikugol Russia 1979
Number of Items in Set 13
Item Set Number 13
Set Details 1x1 Kopek, 1x2 Kopek, 1x3 Kopek, 1x5 Kopek, 1x10 Kopek, 1x20 Kopek, 1x1 Ruble, 1x3 Ruble, 1x5 Ruble, 1x10 Ruble, 1x25 Ruble, 1x50 Ruble, 1x100 Ruble
Type Normal
Material Paper
Width in mm 129
Height in mm 61
Comments 750 Printed.
Source Kyle Mathers
BNI Banknote Id 75668

Catalog & Valuation Details

SourceCatalog # / ReferenceValueDate of ValueComments
Norske Pengesedler 1695-2003 AR85 v3    
Norway - Spitsbergen, 100 Ruble, AR85 v3
