Banknote Index


Country Austria
Authority Ebelsberg O.Ö. Gemeinde
Currency Heller
Denomination 20
Issue Start Date No Date
Issue End Date 30/09/1920
Set/Series Name Ebelsberg O.Ö. Gemeinde 1a
Number of Items in Set 3
Item Set Number 2
Set Details 1x10h, 1x20h, 1x50h
Type Notgeld
Material Paper
Width in mm 74
Height in mm 52
Comments Paper: Front of note rough back smooth
Source Kyle Mathers
BNI Banknote Id 68733

Catalog & Valuation Details

SourceCatalog # / ReferenceValueDate of ValueComments
Katalog Des Österreichischen Notgeldes 1916-1921 FS 140Ia €0.50 2006  
Austria, 20 Heller, FS 140Ia
