Banknote Index


Country Germany
Authority Reichsbanknote Reichsbankdirektorium Berlin (Republic Treasury Note)
Currency Mark
Denomination 500,000,000
Issue Start Date 1923
Issue End Date 1923
This Notes Issue Date 01/09/1923
Set/Series Name Germany 1923 Sixth Issue
Type Normal
Material Paper
Width in mm 153
Height in mm 87
Comments Watermark Small crucifera blossoms, 500 facing inwardly at right margin.
SN prefix with 2 numbers and 2 letters
Source Kyle Mathers
BNI Banknote Id 68683

Catalog & Valuation Details

SourceCatalog # / ReferenceValueDate of ValueComments
12th Ed SCWPM General Issues P-0110b v2 $10.00 2008 UNC 
Germany, 500,000,000 Mark, P110b v2
