Banknote Index


Country Greece
Authority Bank of Greece
Currency Drachma
Denomination 25,000
Issue Start Date 26/11/1942
Issue End Date 26/03/1943
This Notes Issue Date 26/11/1942
Type Color Trial
Material Paper
Width in mm 198
Height in mm 119
Comments Cash notes. These were used by the occupation governments to pay for agricultural produce. Seventy five of any produce collected was paid for by these notes, which were valid for four months. Because no specific bearer was named they could be used for cash. There were four series. There were three fixed denominations in each of the first three series – 25,000 drachmas, 100,000 drachmas and 500,000 drachmas. The fourth series had the amount written by hand. This particular note is from the first series. It is a specimen note, and is stamped with “COLOUR EXAMPLE”.
Source John Minucos
BNI Banknote Id 64765

Catalog & Valuation Details

SourceCatalog # / ReferenceValueDate of ValueComments
12th Ed SCWPM General Issues P-0136ct    
Greek Paper Money, Vol.2 by Theodore Pitidis-Poutous 136s    
Greece, 25,000 Drachma, P136ct, 136s
