Banknote Index


Country Greece
Authority National Bank of Greece
Currency Drachma
Denomination 50
Issue Start Date 1922
Issue End Date 1922
This Notes Issue Date 10/10/1922
Type Normal
Material Paper
Width in mm 93
Height in mm 95
Comments Left hand half of P55.
By 1922 Greece was financially drained by its involvement in a series of wars over 10 years.
The government therefore imposed a compulsory internal loan. Under Act 2749 of 25 March 1922
all banknotes of 5 drachmas and over were cut in half. The left hand section then circulated at half its original value; the right hand section was exchanged for a 20 year bond. Withdrawal of these notes began in December 1924 and continued until they were declared invalid in January 1932. The bonds were to be paid out in April 1944, but Greece was occupied by Germany before that date.
Source John Minucos
BNI Banknote Id 63500

Catalog & Valuation Details

SourceCatalog # / ReferenceValueDate of ValueComments
12th Ed SCWPM General Issues P-0061 v2    
Greek Paper Money, Vol.1 by Theodore Pitidis-Poutous 57c €10.00 2000 
Greece, 50 Drachma, P61 v2, 57c
