Banknote Index


Country Germany
Authority Reichsbanknote Reichsbankdirektorium Berlin (Republic Treasury Note)
Currency Mark
Denomination 500,000,000
Issue Start Date 1923
Issue End Date 1923
This Notes Issue Date 01/09/1923
Set/Series Name Germany 1923 Sixth Issue
Type Normal
Material Paper
Width in mm 155
Height in mm 86
Comments Watermark G/D in stars. SN with prefix star.
Source Kyle Mathers
BNI Banknote Id 47166

Catalog & Valuation Details

SourceCatalog # / ReferenceValueDate of ValueComments
12th Ed SCWPM General Issues P-0110d v2 $10.00 2008 UNC 
Germany, 500,000,000 Mark, P110d v2
