Banknote Index


Country Germany
Authority Thale a.Harz Stadt
Currency Pfennig
Denomination 50
Issue Start Date Walpurgis (01/03) 1921
Issue End Date 31/12/1922
Set/Series Name Thale a.Harz Stadt 04d
Number of Items in Set 1
Item Set Number 1
Set Details 1x50pf. Back underprint blue instead of light blue
Type Notgeld
Material Paper
Width in mm 81
Height in mm 55
Comments It is hard to tell where light blue from 1320.4a stops and blue from 1320.4d starts. This is darker than other examples.
Source Kyle Mathers
BNI Banknote Id 77952

Catalog & Valuation Details

SourceCatalog # / ReferenceValueDate of ValueComments
Deutsches Notgeld Bands 1-2 1320.4d €30.00 2003 UNC 
Germany, 50 Pfennig, 1320.4d
