Banknote Index


Country Austria
Authority Mitterbach N.Ö. Gemeinde
Currency Heller
Denomination 75
Issue Start Date 01/06/1920
Issue End Date 31/12/1920
Set/Series Name Mitterbach N.Ö. Gemeinde 1a
Number of Items in Set 19
Item Set Number 19
Set Details 5x25h, 8x50h, 6x75h
Type Notgeld
Material Paper
Width in mm 99
Height in mm 71
Comments Variations by text side.
1) Last line of verse without !
2) Last line of verse with !, framing normal
3) Last line of verse with !, framing bottom right revesed 6th pair of leaves
4) Framing bottom right revesed 1st pair of leaves
5) Framing bottom right 9 leaves instead of 8
1) Pedagstam instead of Pedagstamm
2) feins intead of fein's
3) After fein's and g'falln no comma
4) After fein's and g'falln a comma, framing normal
5) After fein's and g'falln a comma, framing bottom right revesed 6th pair of leaves
6) After fein's no comma after g'falln a comma. Framing bottom right 8 leaves instead of 9
7) After fein's no comma after g'falln a comma. Framing bottom right 9 leaves instead of 8
8) Framing bottom right 9 leaves instead of 8
1) At steh normal apostrophe
2) At steh square apostrophe
3) Framing bottom right revesed 1st pair of leaves
4) Framing normal. At Ed'lweiß last line small square apostrophe
5) Framing bottom right revesed 6th pair of leaves
6) Framing bottom right 9 leaves instead of 8
Source Kyle Mathers
BNI Banknote Id 74970

Catalog & Valuation Details

SourceCatalog # / ReferenceValueDate of ValueComments
Katalog Des Österreichischen Notgeldes 1916-1921 FS 618a €0.50 2006  
Austria, 75 Heller, FS 618a
