Banknote Index



victor M. Gonzalez Miguel

Is the source of the images for 2171 banknotes View all submissions

Is an administrator and has approved 6730 changes

Victor is responsible for a vast amount of the information and scans for these countries Bangladesh, Cambodia, Laos, Nepal and other south east Asian countries.

Submissions by country for victor M. Gonzalez Miguel

Country # of submissions
Afghanistan 13
Algeria 3
Angola 1
Argentina 20
Armenia 6
Azerbaijan 9
Bahrain 1
Bangladesh 166
Belarus 24
Bhutan 32
Bolivia 14
Bosnia and Herzegovina 1
Brazil 84
Bulgaria 11
Burma 22
Burundi 4
Cambodia 119
Cayman Islands 1
Central African States 1
Ceylon 1
Chile 3
China 45
China, Peoples Republic 74
Colombia 3
Comoros 1
Costa Rica 2
Cuba 5
Cyprus 1
Czechoslovakia 1
Dominican Republic 1
Ecuador 5
Egypt 8
Estonia 1
European Union 3
Fiji Islands 2
French Indochina 10
Gambia 2
Georgia 3
Germany 98
Ghana 1
Gibraltar 1
Great Britain 1
Greece 8
Guatemala 1
Guinea 3
Guyana 8
Haiti 2
Honduras 4
Hong Kong 5
Hungary 4
Iceland 2
India 94
Indonesia 118
Iran 27
Iraq 27
Jamaica 1
Japan 1
Kazakhstan 16
Kenya 4
Korea, North 77
Korea, South 2
Kyrgyzstan 18
Laos 60
Latvia 2
Lebanon 8
Libya 1
Macau 1
Macedonia 4
Madagascar 8
Malawi 3
Malaya 2
Malaysia 6
Mauritania 1
Mauritius 3
Mexico 9
Moldova 1
Mongolia 60
Morocco 1
Mozambique 6
Myanmar 6
Nagorno Karabakh 1
Nepal 118
Netherlands Indies 1
Nicaragua 21
Nigeria 6
Pakistan 107
Papua New Guinea 1
Paraguay 5
Peru 11
Philippines 66
Poland 9
Qatar 1
Romania 5
Russia 9
Rwanda 1
Samoa 1
Singapore 7
Slovakia 1
Slovenia 2
Somalia 1
Somaliland 2
Spain 16
Sri Lanka 30
Sudan 8
Suriname 14
Syria 6
Taiwan 7
Tajikistan 11
Tanzania 4
Tatarstan 3
Thailand 53
Timor 1
Transnistria 5
Trinidad and Tobago 2
Turkey 2
Turkmenistan 21
Uganda 5
Ukraine 3
United States, The 10
Uruguay 3
Uzbekistan 20
Venezuela 6
Vietnam 89
Vietnam, South 43
West African States 2
Yemen, Arab Republic 6
Yugoslavia 2
Zaire 3
Zambia 9
Zimbabwe 3

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